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Resources & Opportunities

Geology in practice

Collections and Equipment

The Geology Department has excellent facilities and tools for students and faculty. Take a look at some of what the department has to offer.

Field Program

Beloit’s Geology Department places an emphasis on field work as part of the geology curriculum. Nearly all of our courses include a local field component and many include longer field trips, such as a weekend trip to explore the glacial landscapes of Wisconsin, a four-day Fall Break trip to explore the mineralogy and petrology of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and trips throughout the Midwestern United States focusing on Paleozoic paleontology and stratigraphy.

Each academic year begins with a day-long field trip that is open any Beloit College student interested in geology. This is an especially great chance to learn about the department and get to know Beloit geology students and faculty. In May of each year, we also offer an extended field excursion, which pairs a spring semester seminar with a two-week field trip that takes students to see geology one can’t see around Beloit. The only prerequisite is a single geology course.

Baraboo, 2018

Annual Geology Department Field Trip, 2018

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