Student Work


Ella Aizeki, co-leader of Todd Reading Buddies, is a senior majoring in cognitive science and music.

Leading and reading with elementary schoolers

Ella Aizeki ’25 and Dahlia Shearer ’25 are leading the Reading Buddies volunteer program at Todd Elementary this year. They share their experiences leading other student volunteers, working with children, and getting out into the Beloit community.  

Farah Tolu-Honary’s view of a beautiful blue street in Tunesia.

“The world is never that far away”

Meet twins Farah and Ariana Tolu-Honary’24 and their younger sister, Mina’26. Though they run in different circles on campus and studied abroad in three different places to improve their language skills in three different languages, the sisters all share the goal of becoming teachers or professors.   

Farah Tolu-Honary

An IR and French major’s busy international year

Paper by Farah Tolu-Honary’24 (IR, French) published.

Garrison Ferone’22

A Minute With Garrison Ferone’22

The college recordholder for hits played top notch baseball and much more. 

Garrison Ferone’23 at right, front after measuring, weighing, and checking the respiration of a sea turtle in the Galapagos.

Traveling the world and our own backyard

They conducted archaeological research on Neanderthal stone tools in North Macedonia and swam with sea lions in the Galapagos, trained as an EMT with the South Beloit Fire Department and studied environmental policy in Finland.

Midori Tanada ’23 touches up the vinyl for the exhibit done by students in Susan Furukawa’s “Narratives of War and Peace” Japanese class.

Museums and Modern Languages

Students in Professors Sylvia López and Susan Furukawa’s classes engage in experiential learning in campus museums

Citizenship, Migration, and Belonging in Granada, Spain

Beloit Students and Faculty Travel to Granada

This summer, students participated in a unique experience in Spain, led by Professors Gabriela Cerghedean and Amy Tibbitts. Beloit College offers Summer Courses in a range of topics in the summer taught by Beloit College faculty. 


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