Certificates of Completion

We offer a variety of Certificates of Completion to better prepare you for careers in the environment and sustainability fields.

A Beloit sustainability student takes soil measurements with a double ring infiltrometer. Certificates of Completion combine courses and career-related experiences to signal to employers that you possess the knowledge and skills they are seeking.

You will take core courses in the natural and social sciences to gain an understanding of the interrelationships within ecological and social systems, while courses in the arts and humanities let you acquire foundational problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills.

However, your education won’t just take place in the classroom. You’ll also learn through experiences in local and global organizations, internships, clubs, and community involvement that will be crucial parts of your journey at Beloit.

The knowledge and skills that you gain from courses and experiences form the foundation of the Certificates of Completion you can earn through the School of Environment & Sustainability.

Applying for a Certificate for Completion

Once you decide to undertake a Certificate of Completion, or if you’d like more information, please complete the Certificate of Completion application form and contact the School of Environment & Sustainability Director (environment@cnyc86.com) to schedule a Certificate of Completion advising meeting.

Offerings and requirements

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